Hi there!
Thanks for stopping by and checking out my little corner of the web. Hopefully
you like what you see and will come back to have another look. I've never been
one to actually blog my work but feel that now’s the time. After having
an amazing weekend at Mega-Con Orlando where I received some great portfolio
reviews from such pros as Phil Hester and Rob Hunter. It's about time I put my
work out there and try to get as much exposure as I can. The majority of work
I'll post is inking but you'll see some sketches and possibly some sequential
pencils pop up (if I have the time).
The first
piece I'm posting is from a short story that was published Orang Utan Comics
flagship anthology series, FTL issue 2. The story titled "One Last
Ballad" was written by Itai Rosenbaum and penciled by the very talented
Gary Heany. Nick Dismas provided grey tones, Richard Nelson lettered and I of
coursed inked the book.
Now this was published in 2007 or 2008 (I honestly don't
remember), so it's been a few years. Not only was it my first published work but
also I was playing around with a grittier feel for the inks. Gary's pencils are
just full of energy and very sleek. Since it is a horror story, Gary gave me
the freedom to play around and do with it what I would. I'm just glad Itai and
Gary was pleased with the final product.
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